Award lagi da....

Thanks 2 Ladyeena my new frend , 4 this award,she very kind 2 me...

I don't know she got this award from what?? Now,what the improtant...we always in frendship not ship on the water...we don't break up from this relationship...'cause this relationship very meaningful...

56 PeMb@C@ KiTeR...:

UnGu VioLet said...

dtg ambik follower award yer nnt!

NorAzrin MohdNawir said...

haa...dah dpt invitation pon....

Anonymous said...

waaaa byk award (^_^)

Adeqq said...

salam.. posto2.. ade kad raye kat blog kite.. sile amik..

m[i]era said...

hi anda dpt award
dr saya
sila lah ambik

Sulamankasihabadi said...

salam kenal...

Ir. hydir said... dh bertukar blog... harap dpt terus follow saya ye... :)

azlishukri said...

tahniah la ye...

Elle Syeila said...

Sebagai 'follower' RAMFC, anda dijemput menyertai program Lepak Santai RAMFC: Membongkar Rahsia Perindu di Taman Warisan, Putrajaya pada 28 Februari 2009. Harap jumpa anda di sana. Maklumat lanjut di

Butik Remaja & Wanita said...

salam perkenalan...

Igniz said...

salam perkenalan:P

LaDy NaS said...

nak jugak! :(

Sara Cristy, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil said...


nice to meet you.

MOMMY CGG said...

wawawa..banyak award! banyak fans!

Anita C. McCants said...

Again, I would like to congratulate
you on your awards. :D

--[FranCis]-- said...


Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Não falo tua lingua. Põe um tradutor no blog.



Queen said...

wow..saya baru nak start blogging..need ur support, do drop by my blog and follwo!! Chill!~!

Khairul said...

blog ni dah lama ek?

Btw aku sedang mencari blogger yang suka memberikan pendapat. kalau kau adalah org tersebut, jenguk2 lah blog aku. Nak follow pun x apa =)

Anonymous said...

Salam... Jenguklah post terbaruku dan sokonglah hasrat murni aku (hehehe) serta tinggalkan lah pendapat yang membina K(mata bulat bersinar minta simpati)

teddi said...

emm taniah2...

Budak Pensel Yazid said...

Nanti dapat award dai agung pulak ye..

Mahmood Syed Faheem said...

Your blog is very nice. The images are very beautiful. Wish you all the best. God is Great.

Aa said...

salam kenal dari yang baru ni,,,
mohon dukungan ya,,,,

Unknown said...

That's the most ADORABLE award i've ever seen!

akak_bieza said...

seronok plak jengok blog nih..ader kartun lagik

wah! award pun ader..

bilalah akak nak dapat award =)

take care

rachmat said...

selamat yah awardnya, semoga makin semangat bloggingnya

Anonymous said...,jgn lupa mai bace cite jen lak..huhu..

~PakKaramu~ said...

Salam malam lailatul qadar untuk anda

Surfer Earning Free said...

Nice blog.. Just joined through a friend of your's blog.. Great stuff here.. Keep writing.. Good Luck Friend :)

José Ramón said...

Sebuah blog yang sangat menarik.

Salam dari kreativitas dan imajinasi foto Jose Ramon

Ahmad Zulfadhli Zulkefli said...

gi amik banyak2 award.. penuhkan ruang kosong dalam blog tue.. hehe

psst: Hi! Salam ziarah. Jom xchange link & sila komen entri blog saya di . TQ.

KizZ said...

Salam Kenal..

Kalau sudi jenguk-jenguk la Kiz kat

Dan Jangan lupa follow kiz juga ya..


aril said...

Nice info blog. I like to share with bloggers and all of readers
Keep in touch

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

His Lovely Princess said...

jom singgah:

fasha comeback again said...

Blogwalking greetings from INDONESIA to your side of world! Take care!
follow my blog..
follow my blog..
folllow my blog..
follow my blog please..
okay,love you ;)

Mysara Ab Rahman said...


Anonymous said...

nk jengah sat...

Miss Kira said...

hello there,
miss kira dah tukar link blog bru..

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Cute! Hey have you ever checked out my blog? It is so fascinating.

Anonymous said...

award ape nih?

Luke66 said...

Interesting blog :)


Anonymous said...

Salutari, din Romania !

BlackRose said...

Γεια σου ..Hellooo from GREECE and ΣτάΛες στο ΓαΛάΖιο blog team!!

very cool blog...i follow U!!!

Come with me in ΣτάΛες στο ΓαΛάΖιο !!!


hi...i'm tibyan

Goldman said...

COD Pamp Suisse Lady Fortuna 10 gram.

Untuk harga emas jongkong dan lain-lain yang hebat sila hubungi kami di

Harga lagi murah daripada Habib, Poh Kong dan dealer2 lain. Bekalan antarabangsa.

Rebat tunai segera RM 1,000 hingga RM 1, 500.

Harga belian semula yang hebat.

Terima kasih.

SayaNina said...

perghhh!!rmi giler follower ko!!jeles nye!!=)u deserve it!

♥ Cik Puan Pinky ♥ said...

morning!! mulakan hari anda dgn senyuman~ :)

Schla.mp3 said...

whoohaa i love conan followed

also followed

Toyin O. said...

Nice looking blog.

Royhasanuddin said...

follow saya ya mas

nuruhuda_329 said...

singgah n follow kamoo^-^

Alwi Al-Habsyi said...

makin banyak aja dong.. :)

yusrayunus said... visit and follow me back friends

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